Wednesday, December 4, 2013

In a Car Accident Monday - And a Painting that I started a year ago I finally finished!

Ok, so Monday I was on my way to Christmas shop with my neighbor and a guy in a white truck ran a red light and plowed into us…

 A little whiplash…  

Fractured wrist…  (wine helps)

And here is the painting that i finished Saturday (typing with one hand)-- its experimental with the flower doodles. "She's got the Whole World in her Hands" 
My 17-year old daughter

30" x40" and of course she doesn't want it!  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Abstract Painting with Coral and Turquoise

I love these colors and wanted to paint something abstract with them.  I have always wanted to paint more abstracts, but was "blocked" when it came right down to it.  This new book "Brave Intuitive Painting" by Flora Bowley has helped me loosen up a lot and it's amazing how the ideas are really really starting to flow!!

Now remember, art is in the eye of the beholder! HA  I started this one with the intent of using coral and turquoise (or aqua) and then had a dream about using these shapes, which was my added inspiration.  It's VERY different from anything I've ever done!!

I'm calling it "Unblocking the Imagination". It's 30"x40" and I just listed it on Etsy

Here it sits on a table in my art studio.  A sneak peek at the doggy painting to the right. ;)